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This awesome breast exam choice awaits your discovery now!

100% Safe…Non Evasive…No Compression…Radiation Free…

Are there other breast exam options you can choose when it comes to your breast health?

Do you have a choice? Yes!

Learn your choices & decide which one is best for you today.

Today’s post…

Is taken from an interview I had with Donna Tomey, an ACCT Certified Clinical Thermographer.

We’ll be learning of a dynamo screening test you may not know about.

Being proactive is huge!

It’s easier now than ever for us women to take charge of our health.

We can eat more healthy with the variety of foods offered now.

There’s gluten-free…vegan..vegetarian…grass-fed…organic…

pasture-raised…the list goes on.

We can supplement with whole-food sourced vitamins.

We can power up with protein shakes.

It’s our responsibility to take the first steps to boost our health.

That includes our breast health too!

Having a mammogram is NOT your only option…

Yes! There is an alternative when it comes to our annual breast exam.

One with no radiation…one with no compression (eek!)…

Ever heard of thermography?

Thermography…Digital Infrared Imaging…detects and measures the heat emitted by various regions of the body…in this case the breasts.

It is designed to see inflammation and thermal/vascular changes in the body…making it “top dog” in early detection of the disease process!

Its amazing benefits:

  1. The only screening method available that measures physiological changes over time. Mammograms are designed to “look for something.” They measure structural or anatomical changes.
  2. Non evasive…no physical contact involved.
  3. 100% safe…RADIATION FREE!
  4. Affordable…prices range from $180-210 for a breast exam depending on your locale.
  5. Only takes 30-60 minutes depending on the number of body areas to be studied.

Not the new kid on the block!

Thermography was first used back in 1957 to investigate breast cancer.

Much research…studying over 300,000 women…has been done confirming its effectiveness.

The FDA approved thermography as a breast screening procedure in 1982.

It’s been around a while!

Thermography saved her life!

Meet Donna Tomey, clinical thermographer…owner & founder of Thermography First in southeast Florida.

If it weren’t for thermography, Donna may not be alive today. Thermography saved her life!

Donna’s story:

Dial back to 2002…the year of Donna’ first thermogram that came back very abnormal.

Misfortune mounted. She paid no heed to this negative report.

Fast forward four years later…Donna found a lump in her right breast.

Diagnosis: Very aggressive…right breast removed!

If she would have acted on her thermogram results of 2002,

she would have avoided this health calamity! Wow!

Thermography triumphs again!

Six weeks after her masectomy…awakened now to how thermograms “early detect”…

Donna heads in for her screening…March 2006.

This thermogram, like the one in 2002, showed “suspicious findings.”

Was history repeating itself?

Donna found a functional doctor who examined & advised her …”poorly metabolized estrogen was the culprit here.”

She changed her diet… took lots of supplements…had her hormones balanced…all the while monitoring her progress with thermography.

After 12 months of a strict nutritional and hormonal balancing protocol, Donna’s thermal scans became much more stable and improved, with reduced inflammation.

And remain so to this day.

“Mammography did not detect this…only thermography did,” says Donna.

Wow to the “early detection” of thermograms!

You can read more of her journey here.

Empowered and impassioned from her journey, Donna became a clinical thermographer. Her “mission” is to get as many women as possible to learn of thermography & its early detection in the prevention of breast cancer.

Read more at thermographyfirst.com

What to look for and how to find a thermographer:

In our interview, Donna explains that thermographers have mobile sites or brick & mortar offices.

You can find one in your locale through thermologyonline.org.

Many thermographers get certified through the American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT).

The ACCT is one of the “longest established, largest and most trusted professional organization dedicated to the advancement of thermology and thermography through education, research, innovation and professional development.” Find out more here.

Donna’s Tips on Breast Health:

  1. Eat healthy. Make your diet rich in fruits and veggies.
  2. Never use aluminum or chemical deodorants or those with parabens and mineral oil.
  3. Choose instead a good natural one with NO CHEMICALS.
  4. Avoid underwire bras. They stop lymphatic flow.
  5. Wear a sports bra or a “Spanx” bra.
  6. Donna’s recommends the “natori bliss perfection bra” wire free.
  7. SWEAT!! You have to move…jump…get the blood flowing…
  8. Finally…Donna suggests complimenting your thermogram with a breast ultrasound.

Thermography is for the whole body!

Remember…thermography is an inside look of what’s going on inside the body.

It’s a powerful screening tool to detect inflammation and strokes.

Dental health & immune system function can be screened with thermography too.

Even blood clots in the legs can be sited with this amazing tool.

Thermography is a powerful choice when you have health screenings to consider.

With that, Donna suggests getting a breast ultrasound to complement your thermogram.

Wrap Up & Takeaway

Wow to the attributes of thermography…100% safe…no radiation…no compression…

What’s your takeaway?

Isn’t it empowering to know you have other choices?

Be proactive…amp up your fruits & veggies intake…

Be wise with you next purchase bra & deodorant purchase!

We do need to stay “abreast” (No pun intended!) of what options we women have when it comes to our health.

Thank you Donna!

And a hearty thank you, Donna, for enlightening us on thermography!

Your passion for breast health is contagious!

You can contact Donna here for a screening or for more information.

…Joy in the Journey!!

“Now may the God of your hope so fill you with all JOY and peace in believing

that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound & be overflowing with hope.”

Romans 15:13