© 2024 — www.christyzwenger.com

Power Up Your Decision-Making Now!!

Are You Struggling with Crafting a Decision?

You have come to the right place to help catapult your next steps.

I’m going to show you how to implement a plan with precision, clarity, and follow through using “Dead Cows Spit Bullets!!” No, dead cows don’t spit bullets. How could they??

4 Vital Action Steps!

This crazy phrase, depicts the four action steps you need to take to move forward in your life.

Decide…Commit…Stick with It…Believe

Special Dedication:

This post is one I wrote back in 2019. My nephew caught hold of it…made his decision to pursue his doctorate and celebrates his graduation next week!

Here’s to you, Dr. Chris Byington!! I salute you for crossing the line! Congratulations!!

Dead Cows Spit Bullets!


The “D” in “Dead” stands for DECIDE. Before you take any step ahead in life, you FIRST must make a decision. You must decide what you want to do, to be, etc. Do you want to get in better shape? Do you want to do more of what you love and create more income? Do you want to surround yourself with influential people? What is it you want?

I put off my writing for so long, until I made a conscious decision that I was going to make it happen. What I came to realize is that it won’t come to us. We have to take the time to make it happen for ourselves.


SLOW DOWN…take a deep breath…focus in on what you DO want…make up your mind…and DECIDE you are going to make this happen!! There is POWER in decision making. Check Jack Canfield out for further tips. He is masterful with this practice! http://jackcanfield.com.

Now WRITE DOWN what it is you want to DO. Put it in the present tense .

For me it’s: “I decide to write every day. ” Simple.

Whatever your happy is, turn it into a decision.


You’ve made your decision. You’ve written it down. NOW it’s time to COMMIT. That’s what the “C” in “Cows,” stands for. In other words, you have to CARRY OUT your decision. You have to invest your energy and your time to bring this decision forth. You get the idea. “Without commitment you cannot have depth in anything…” Neil Strauss http://neilstrauss.com


Go back to your decision and find your “why,your reason for it. Write it down. Here’s my example: “I decide to write 2 hours every day to create a dynamic blog following, as I inspire others to live their lives more fully.” My decision to write is empowered by my reason why….to inspire others.

Think of it like this: Your Decide is mental…quick and to-the-point. Your Commit is more of the heart and puts roots to your decision. Together, they are powerful and dynamic to create action and bring results!

How are you doing so far? I’m feeling the need for a little breather. Stop now. Write down your decision and its why. You’ll be powered up for the next step!


The “S” in Spit is for this one. This is where the rubber meets the road. You’ve decided and committed. Now, you have to STICK WITH IT! No matter the excuses, no matter who interferes, no matter what gets in the way…NO MATTER WHAT

Don’t Quit!!! Consistency is key. You must stick with your decision.


Under your decision, write a self-promise, a self-contract, if you will, to yourself.

Mine goes like this: “I, Christy Zwenger, purpose to write at least 2 hours daily, each morning between 6:00 and 10:00, for my blogs, weekly inspiration newsletter and books, starting May 13, 2023 – August 13, 2023, at which time I will reassess. I commit to doing this wholeheartedly and with joyful expectation, no matter what.” Signed: Christy Zwenger (my signature)

Signing your name and using the present tense links your commitment to your subconscious. This is powerful! By signing this contract, you are physically agreeing to performing your decision!

Putting a date or deadline, solidifies it. You can always change or refresh your intentions. Remember: Be consistent…a little each day… GO FOR IT!

For a more indepth look at Self-Contracts, check out Glenn Santos’ article, “How to Make a Self-Contract for Your Personal Goals.”


Ahhhh…we come to the foundation of it all…BELIEVE…and you guessed it, the “B” in Bullets is for BELIEVE. We must believe that what we have decided to do or become can really happen!

Believe means to accept something as true; to be convinced; to have confidence; to have faith. The Bible, in Hebrews 11:1 says: “NOW faith IS the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for…”

Think about it…faith is a SUBSTANCE. It’s something real…and it’s NOW. It’s not yesterday or tomorrow. It’s NOW. I liken it to electricity. You turn on a light in a dark room, and voila’…you can see! You don’t see the electricity, but you know it’s the force that made the light bulb brighten!

When we BELIEVE, we put that force of faith into operation. How? By seeing ourselves as already having or being what it is we’ve decided on. In other words, we picture ourselves with it or being it. We visualize it as done!


Take your decision and read it out loud. Read it out loud 3 times. Each time, see yourself in your mind’s eye as doing it, as having accomplished it.

Let’s say you’ve decided to get in better shape and lose your gut. In your mind’s eye, see yourself with that svelte core and lean muscular body. Feel the exhilaration of good health and being fit. Then surround your imaging with gratitude. This is a simple practice to strengthen your belief. There is power in believing!

Check out the book, The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. It’s a classic!!

Whew!! Are you ready? Do you have any decisions whispering to your heart? Any unfulfilled dreams woo-ing you to pursue? Put “Dead Cows Spit Bullets” to work. It’s a practice we can all make a habit of!


Use “Dead Cows Spit Bullets” for decision making and planning:

D = Decide – Make a decision.

C = Commit – Make up your mind you are going to carry it out.

S = Spit – Stick with it! Don’t quit!

B = Bullets – Believe that you can do this and see it as done!


Trust yourself…invite God to guide you…follow these 4 tips to launch your dreams!



“Now may the God of your hope so fill you with all JOY and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound and be overflowing with hope.” …Romans 15:13