© 2024 — www.christyzwenger.com

Viva’ La Value!!

Hey there!

Are you needing a little boost of energy? A re-calibration of living life fully? Today’s blog could be a catalyst to jump start you into this Season.

In this blog, I will be shedding some light on the importance of VALUE! Your eyes will be opened to what truly matters to you! From there, you can launch into this fabulous Season more authentically.

Let’s get started!


My quest started as I was pondering over a prayer in the Bible in Philippians 1:10. The author prays that he would “learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of REAL VALUE…”

Hmmm…It got me thinking…what in this Life, is of REAL VALUE to me??


In this topsy-turvy, hurry-scurry age we live in, we have to dig deep to find what IS of REAL value to each one of us.

Basically, when we VALUE something, we believe it to be important…full of worth…what we hold dear to our hearts…

VALUES are beliefs that help us grow and develop. “They help us create the future we want to experience.” http://www.valuescentre.com


I had to step outside of myself to look at me, to see more clearly, what I was holding dear.

Quiet Time with my Creator…Writing…Teaching…Being Active Outside…spending time with my Hubby…nurturing the relationships that are dear to me…These are what I VALUE in my Life.

I re-realized, too, that I place a lot of value on my TIME…getting in bed early and waking up early mean a lot to me.

Always being immersed in a good book holds VALUE to me too!

Writing in Cursive is a HUGE VALUE of mine as well!


So the topsy-turveyness of Life I was talking about, bullies itself into our day-to-day “doings” and…those VALUES get pushed under the rug.

The result? We start to feel frustrated…bored…lethargic…You know what I’m talking about. It’s happened to all of us!

I want to be more proactive when these “yucky” feelings start invading my space. They’re signals to get back on track to what I truly VALUE!


Yes indeed! It IS a daily practice! For me, it’s being aware of what I find of VALUE! I have my “VALUES” list…I look at it frequently to make sure I’m cultivating what is “near and dear” to my heart. As I attend to my VALUES, I find I am more satisfied and balanced.


Set aside some time SOON…step outside yourself. What do you see? What do you VALUE?

Find out WHAT you value, so you can spend time WITH it!

Treat it as a treasure! Give it the worth it deserves. Make it a part of your daily Life!


We are creative individuals who need BALANCE! Living what we VALUE will keep us aligned, centered, and…PEACE and JOY– filled.


I pose the same question to you! “What in this Life, is of REAL VALUE to you??”

Find your VALUES and make them a part of each day.

I believe as you do that, you will be more in tune this beautiful Thankful Season!

The ball’s in your court…go catch your VALUES!

Until next time…keep my VALUE of writing in Cursive alive as you find your VALUES!

Happy Treasure Hunting!