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Best Tips to Maximize Your Hydration Now!

Greetings!! Trusting all is well your way. We talked last week about JOY and the powerhouse it is in our lives. Today let’s hone in on a key component in the health of our body…hydration…best tips to maximize it now!

Why Hydration?

Hydration…”the condition of having adequate fluid in the body tissues” is crucial for our health. Why? From birth & over much of our lifetime, over 50% of our bodies are composed of water. That number declines as we age.

Where is it stored?

Here’s the rundown of how water is dispersed in our bodies:

Brain and heart73%
Muscles and kidneys79%
Water is crucial for the entire health of our body!

How much is enough?

According to an article from Cleveland Clinic, here are the daily general amounts for male & female:

  • 125 ounces (3.7 liters) for men.
  • 91 ounces (2.7 liters) for women.

Other factors such as your weight & size…your activity level…your diet… influence your water intake. The key here is to be consistent with the amount you drink.

What about maximizing hydration?

Yes, what about it? Hydration, according to Cell Health News (An informative short article I recommend you read.) states that it’s all about hydration at the cellular level.

The article goes on to say that plain water “cannot hold an electrical charge.”

Basically it (plain water) needs minerals & electrolytes with potassium & magnesium to help it absorb efficiently into our bodies. That’s when true hydration takes place!

We can “upgrade” our water to increase its hydrating benefits with some simple measures.

Do this:

#1 – Keep tabs…

Start now by keeping tabs on your hydration. I keep a notepad in the kitchen & log the date & tally each glass of water I swig.

For me, using a smaller 8-ounce glass helps me monitor my allotment.

Recording my water intake helps me stay consistent with my hydration.

When I don’t tally, I don’t drink as much! Documenting your water intake works!

#2 – Drink ACV & Lemon Water…

Add apple cider vinegar or a squeeze of lemon to your water for “truer” hydration. This dynamic duo when added to your water will help it to absorb more efficiently. Your body identifies these additives as something nutritional. Even adding salt to your water enhances its nutritional value! Fascinating, eh?

#3 – Invest in some good electrolytes…

Yes! Electrolytes will put some “muscle” in your water too. We’ve all downed a sports drink on a hot day or after a robust workout, right?

Research is out that we really need to infuse electrolytes into our daily hydration regimen. Not just any kind either. Many of these “power” beverages are loaded with sugars & artificial ingredients. No bueno for peak health!

Instead…check out Dr. Berg’s Electrolyte powder. Loaded with only 100% natural ingredients…GMO free…1000 mg of potassium…120 mg of magnesium…with pink Himalayan sea salt. You have a choice of sizes. I recommend the “100 servings.” It’s the best “bang for the buck.” And…Amazon Prime gives you free shipping. Click here to order through Amazon. It’s fast & easy!

Dr. Berg, known as the Knowledge Doc, is a well-trusted source on health-related topics & products. He’s on YouTube. All of his products are created with 100% natural, non-GMO ingredients. He has a plethora of info on many health issues. He’s the Knowledge Doc! Check him out.


Soul you say? Yes that part of you…your mind, your emotions, your will… need times of refreshment too…daily at that!

Hydrating…”watering” your soul will nourish the rest of YOU. It’s true! What’s the old saying: “What we think about, we become.”

Think of your soul like a river…one vibrant with life. Water must be coming in & flowing out. If not, the river dries up.

Like a river, without regular nourishment…going in, going out…we can become empty & dry in our souls…lacking vitality & joy.

To be vitally Alive, we must be replenishing our souls. It’s paramount!

Dr. Carol, a licensed OB-Gyn physician & ordained Doctor of Ministry, has much to say about the hydration of your soul…powerful! Read her blog post here.

Soul hydration comes when we nourish our thinking. Practice choosing your thoughts. The Bible says: “…keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, & proper.” (Philippians 4:8)

As we redirect our thinking in this way, we hydrate our soul. Keep your thoughts on these things.

Do this:

#1 – Replace toxic thoughts.

As soon as you recognize them, oust any negative, “yuck” thinking with a single power word.

Anxious thoughts? Decree PEACE! (Do this out loud.)

Irritating thoughts about others or situations? Decree LOVE!

Sad or depressing thoughts? Decree JOY!

You are stopping the flow of negative with a power word! Consider them your arsenal.

#2 – Engage the brain.

Read, do a crossword puzzle, take a class, write in cursive !!…keep your brain energized. It enhances your soul’s hydration!

Check out these 7 Brain Exercises for some super hydrating!

#3 – Sing!

Yes! Get your set of pipes active, turn up the radio, and belt out a few tunes!

I was “wow-ed” with the health perks. Singing can lower blood pressure and improve cognition. It can boost your immunity and even lead to a longer life!

Singing releases endorphins, the “feel good” hormones.

And how about this one…the “cuddle” hormone…the hormone released when we snuggle named oxytocin is let loose when we sing! Wow!

Check out the LifeHack article for more surprise benefits on singing!

Soul hydrating is vital!


Your spirit…your true essence…that part of your being that has contact with God…needs hydrating most of all!

Want a gusher?

Our spirits in contact with Jesus are supernaturally & abundantly hydrated.

“All you thirsty ones, come to Me! Come to Me and drink! Believe in Me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the Scripture says.” (John 7:37-38 The Passion Translation)

Continually flowing rivers of living water…WOW…not just some trickle…a non-stop flow! Talk about Divine hydration!

Do this:

#1 – Take time…

Ask the Master of the Universe to reveal Himself to you…to make Himself real to you.

Know that His love for you has no end. He wants a relationship with you right where you are at …right with who you are…right this very moment.

Spend time with Him. He would be thrilled!

#2 – Get in God’s Word…

Take some quality time to delve into the Bible. My absolute favorite translation, is The Passion Bible. It’s written in such an intimate format, expressing God’s passion for people.

It’s like your own very personal love letter from your Creator. I get more out of this Bible than I do any my others. It’s my “go to.”

Invest in a copy here. (It’s $20 or less!) Start in the book of Colossians. Only four chapters long, you will learn of the truth of the Master and how to live a life of fulfillment. It’s rich!

The Psalms are beautiful too.

There’s no other hydration like it! You will be watering your spirit while growing your relationship with God.

Wrap Up and Take Action…

Hydration is vital for Life…body, soul & spirit.


Make sure you drink enough water each day: 125 ounces for men; 95 ounces for women.

Maximize your hydration with apple cider vinegar, lemon water & electrolytes.


Guard your thoughts…engage the brain…sing!


Get to know Jesus. Refresh yourself in God’s Word.

From hydrating our body …to refreshing our soul… to rivers of living water flowing in our spirit…

There is no better way to maximize your hydration for truly total well being!

“Juice up with JOY!!”

Infuse JOY into your life every day.

Do this:

Make the time to do something you love:

Tinker in the garden, go to an art show, hug your pet, read, laugh on purpose, have a date night with your spouse, take your kids to the park, help your neighbor…stir up some JOY!

Joy releases those “feel good” and “cuddle” hormones. Spread it around! It’s contagious!

Until next time…