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Harmonize Me!

Need some re-balancing in your life? I sure do!

This week, I’m going to show you how to re-align your Life, gain new perspective…and harmonize yourself now!

Let’s get started!

Say What?

The definition of harmony is “a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts.” Let’s call it a flow of life…when we are at peace…balanced in our parts…living life fully…

“Our parts?” you may be asking. Yes, we are multi-faceted beings that need each feature of us exercised and fluid. I like to picture my life as a pie with each of its separate pieces…vitally united. When we over-indulge in one area, neglecting the other parts, we experience fatigue, lethargy, apathy, and lots of other yuck. We get out of sync and need immediate harmonizing!

The key, I’m discovering, is to stay balanced…keep each piece of the pie equal…establish a Divine symmetry if you will.

Name Each Slice!

The slices of my pie are: Spiritual…Physical…Mental…Relationships. These are the four main areas in my life (Yours too!) that are vital to nourish so we can flourish as Divine beings! Let’s take a close look at each:

1. The “Spiritual” Slice

Wow! This piece is the powerhouse, the most nutritious of all. As we nurture our spirit, we influence ALL areas of our Life. It’s an “inside out” thing.

“Living from the inside out is the only way to find balance and truly experience an authentic sense of happiness in our lives. It must be grounded in a commitment to organically live from our core – that sacred space of vital energy and unlimited potential. We must become intimate with ourselves and be happy and in balance inside ourselves, before we can truly experience happiness with another person, our families, or our communities.” (“What is living from the inside out?” by Dr. Kathleen Hall.)

“Be Still and Know That I am God,” Psalm 46:10. Stay in daily communication with Our Creator. Journal. Get quiet. Practice being still…and LISTEN!

We will bubble up with creative ideas…solutions to problems…decisions to make…as we spend quiet time with Our Creator. It’s the foundation!

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking, likened our time with God as the thermostat, the gauge to set the “forecast” of our day.

2. The “Physical” Slice

Daily exercise…movement…activity is vital to our multi-faceted being. (This is the piece that needs balancing in my Life.)


Daily exercise improves our mood, producing changes in the parts of the brain that monitor anxiety and stress.

Exercise increases our energy…strengthens our bones…improves our skin…helps our brain health and memory. Our sleep and health get amped up with physical activity. http://www.healthline.com

I find if I decide to work out and don’t for whatever reason, I am frustrated and agitated. It goes back to the “Dead Cows Spit Bullets” …DECIDE, COMMIT, STICK TO IT, BELIEVE.

Daily exercise is VITAL! Let’s commit to “get physical.”

3. The “Mental” Slice

The mental piece of my pie is just that…engaging the brain. Read, do a crossword puzzle, take a class. It’s also guarding my thoughts. Am I flourishing with positivity or stymied by negativity?

We have to watch it here. The “negative Nancy” thoughts and impressions can weasel their way into our thought life.

It’s a daily practice to weed out the sludge from our thougtht life and keep our thoughts on the good!

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious..the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse…Do that, and God, who makes everthing work together, will work you in His most excellent harmonies.” Philippians 4:8-9 (The Message Bible)

I suggest we take a sabbatical from our phones, TV, and Social Media. Take a day, an hour, the morning…and put it all away. I believe we’ll have more clarity of focus if we do! Join me!

4. The “Relationships” Slice

This slice can be overlooked and underestimated. I find when I’m in depth in my writing, that oftentimes, I don’t tune into my fabulous Hubby as I should. Hmmm…it’s back to the balance thing…keeping things in harmony.

How bout you? Any relationships in your life that need more tending to? Do you have any that need to be weeded out?

Let’s purpose to keep this area balanced. Just putting it as one of my pie pieces helps me give more attention to it.

The Whole Pie!

So there’s the pie…Spiritual…Physical…Mental…Relationships…simple and sweet!

We must nurture each one. Keep each piece symmetrical. Stay balanced.

Our emotions are our indicators. When I feel agitated…crabby…irritated…I take those as cues to one of my pie pieces being out of sync.

Use your emotions as cues to get you back in harmony!

Let’s MAKE the time this Fall to reassess our pie. Out of balance? Check out the pieces. We have the power and the choice to put it all back into alignment…Spirit…Physical…Mental…Relationships.

We were created to Live in harmonic equilibrium!

Until next week…HAPPY HARMONIZING!