© 2024 — www.christyzwenger.com

Fed Up? Catapult to New Levels of Health & Joy Now!

Fed up, are you? Ready for a change? If so, you are in the right place! Come on in!

I am absolutely THRILLED to have you here today as we embark on this journey of “Living Life Fun, Healthy & Joyfully! There’s so much to share with you…”best health practices”…creating FUN in your life…stirring up joy…the list goes on.

Why this?

Wow! My writing has morphed since my book , THE CURSIVE LETTERS REVOLT!!, was published in 2019. Since COVID, I am more impressed now than ever that we all need a massive dose of JOY in our lives. Wouldn’t you agree?

A reservoir of joy…enhanced with vibrant health…and infused with daily doses of fun…how bout that recipe for living life? I say: “Bring it on!”

Health is Huge!

Health…”optimal well-being”…”being sound in body, mind & spirit” …the condition we ideally should strive for. After all, we are a “work in progress,” right?

The truth is we are 3-part beings…spirit, soul & body. We live in a body, our earth suit. Our mind, our will & emotions make up the soul part. The part of us which contacts God is our spirit. It is the real us!


I want to shed light on these different parts of us so that YOU can make the best decision on how you want to live. My hope is that with a little more knowledge under your belt, you can catapult to new levels of health!

Living life healthy & joyfully with fun is something we can all pursue & actionize in our life. Just picture living life robustly no matter what age you are…joy-strong…fun-fueled…body, soul & spirit!


Each week, I will spotlight on one of our “parts”…body…soul…spirit…along with helpful tips you can put into action ASAP. I will share dynamo products/supplements I’ve used that bring results! No more hemming & hawing over what you should or shouldn’t be taking. You will be informed to make the best health decisions for yourself!

And the FUN!! Each week, I will “assign” you homework (It’s the teacher in me!) to DO some fun!

And all the while…we will be jazzing up our JOY!! It’s got to be cultivated. I’ll be assisting you in its gardening…just call me your “JOY” horticulturist.

With all that said, I say: “Watch out!” “Get out our of our way!” Others won’t know what to do with us once we start living like this!

Are you game? Let’s dig in & walk through some of the basics first.


“Living life joyfully” is a practice that needs to be practiced! The more we put it to work, the more it grows.

According to the Bible, it is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) A fruit…something that grows…something that develops. It’s like a seed. We have to plant it, nurture it & give it the water & sun it needs to grow.


Joy is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. (See Hebrews 12:2) Can you imagine? Going through that horrific experience empowered by joy! Wow! How much more can we put that force to work in our life? Think on it.


“Aren’t happiness & joy the same thing?” you may be wondering. No, they are discreetly different. Happiness is fleeting. It comes & goes. Happiness depends on happenings. Looking at the world these days & its happenings, one is hard pressed to find the “happy.”

Joy is an “inside” thing…an internal work. It’s an inner force that helps you power through the tough times. It’s constant…not flighty like happiness. Happiness can be here one day & gone the next. Joy endures. Joy has staying power.


You need a supply of joy on hand at all times.

Think about preparing for an approaching storm with possible power outages. You get your flashlights & candles and put them in a central spot in the house for “just in case,” right?

For those in hurricane territory, the prep is even more intense. Experts announce at the opening of storm season, to get surplus water & food supplies…batteries, flashlights & alternate light sources. They even post a “Hurricane Preparedness” list in the newspapers & urge everyone to be ready!

Just like storm preparation, a bountiful supply of joy is good to have on hand for “life’s storms.”


As your “joy horticulturist,” I want to guide you in ways to grow your joy.

  1. Start now by assessing your “joy” level. Are you fueled up or running on empty? Recognize what’s stealing your joy & do something about it. Maybe it’s a toxic relationship…too much TV time…not enough prayer time. Take inventory of your joy supply.

2. Do more of what you love. Make the time. The more you do what you love, the more your joy will grow.

3. Pray. Ask God to show you areas in your life that need more joy.


Yes, we are spirit beings living in a physical body with a soul. Wow!

Joy is a powerful force we have inside us. It overrides happiness. It’s authentic & stable. We need to value & develop it into the mighty force it is.

Infusing joy in our life’s journey is a WOW factor. Start brewing it! Need help? Check out my newsletter “Joy in the Journey for some simple tips to put joy to work!


Here’s your homework on fun I promised:

Sometime this week, head out to a park. Swing on the swings. If you have motion sensitivity like me, slide down the slide instead. Yes! Then find a path & skip on it while laughing! Before you leave, go hug a tree! (That’s one of my fave things to do!) Yay!

I’m looking for more “fun” ideas. Email me with some. I’ll be posting on Facebook to get your “fun” ideas there too! Let’s see how many we can get!

I’m excited! We’re amping up this life to…live it FUN, Healthy & Joyfully!

Next week’s peak: Our body & it’s top need! Stay tuned…

Remember: We’re all in this Life together…to help & support each other!

Sunny thoughts!