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You Have Options!

Yes!! More than ever it’s becoming more apparent that we need to be proactive with our health choices.

The more we know, the more empowered we are to make the best choice

when it comes to our well-being.

Be encouraged & informed today as you learn of another option

you can take towards attaining optimal wellness.

Hello to FM!

FM…Functional medicine…have you heard of this game changer drawing attention on the medical horizon?

A different wholesome outlook…FM operates from a different perspective.

It focuses on the root causes of disease…the how and why illness occurs.

Although still Western Medicine, FM looks at the whole person…

Observing what is out of balance…

What is creating the symptoms the person is experiencing.

“The functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness.”

Blood Work


Functional Medicine starts with an very intricate understanding of each person’s

genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors with extensive blood work.

With these results, a personalized treatment plan is then created.

No “cookie cutter quick fix…one size fits all” with FM.

Meet Melissa

Melissa Mullin is a Functional Medicine Practitioner in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

I have worked with her personally & asked her for an interview to shed

light on this awesome medical practice.

You can find her at www.thehealthymelissa.com. She has a passion for her work!

Her beginnings

Melissa’s thermographer mom, Donna Tomey was a catalyst to get her started.

(Read more on thermography & Donna’s work in my blog here.)

Donna hooked Melissa up with a chiropractor who opened her world

to TRUE nutrition.

She had only been taught hospital nutrition in her college dietetics program!

“GMO rice helps with the hunger of the world,” her instructor said. Eeek!

She sat horrified sitting under these supposed “doctors of nutrition!!”

Her eyes were opened

While working for the chiropractor, Melissa learned endocrinology, de-tox, and reading blood work

while doing front desk duties.

Two years after her undergrad work, she attained her masters in Functional Medicine.

A Bigger Look!

“Functional Medicine looks ‘yards ahead’ at an individual’s health,” says Melissa.

FM’s blood work averages are based on optimal health in people.

Typical medical practice, though, draws their averages from…

SICK people who go to the lab! Eeek again!!

So when the doctor says your results are “normal,” rethink it.

Consider the source of their averages!!

Be Their Guide

Melissa’s mission: To help people gain a better understanding of themselves

and take the necessary action steps on their healing journey towards optimal health.

She is the guide at their side.

Treating the Whole Person

As a practitioner of FM, Melissa treats the whole person, not just the symptoms.

“The mind…the body…the emotional aspect of a person all communicate with each other.”

She takes into account all these scenarios as she creates an individualized wellness plan for each patient.

Have a COMPLETE Blood Test

“Having a comprehensive panel of blood work is SO important,” says Melissa. “We can’t manage what we don’t measure!”

She will provide you a complete list of blood work necessary.

Email her at …melissa@thehealthymelissa.com.

Where to Find FM Practitioners?

Check out Functional Medicine www.ifm.org…under “Find Practitioner” here.

2 Tips from Melissa:

#1: Interview the doctor you find.

Ask about their experience with what you are coming to them for.

Make sure they have that prior “know how” of your condition.

#2: It’s vital the doctor take the time to follow up with you.

Confirm they get back to you in a timely manner.

Ask if they have the time to walk you through things

before you start working with them.

These tips will establish a successful meetup with you & the doctor.

Fees for Service

Fees depend on the type of practitioner. DO…MD…Chiropractor…many can use insurance.

Melissa, as a nutritionist, works through a doctor to obtain blood tests.

“Keep in mind,” says Melissa, “that insurance companies like to deny things that are necessary.”

Count the cost & place value on getting the tests your body really needs.

“The homocystine test…the best diagnostic for alzheimer’s, stroke, and cardiovascular…

is often denied by insurances.”

People are waking up to the fact that “big pharma” and insurance companies

are more profit driven. Their concern for people’s health is questionable.

We truly need to be more proactive with our healthy choices!

Prevention is Key!

Melissa is starting her 2nd year of study in Acupuncture & Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is ancient. It’s been around for thousands of years. These people had an understanding of the immune system way back then.

“Your body is like a terrain…you are going to come into contact with the elements…

you must adapt to overcome = the essence of prevention…how you live your life…”

quotes Melissa………..Traditional Chinese Medicine in a nutshell!

Balance, harmony & energy are its focus. How refreshing!

Respond vs. React

“Responding to Life’s situations is more of a flow we should choose,” encourages Melissa.

Reacting is negative energy…outbursts of anger, thoughtless words spoken…no bueno for our health.

Choose to flow…to respond…think before you speak or act…slow things down…


Melissa uses supplements as part of her practice too.

Her major focus, though, is the person’s lifestyle.

“Watch those high stress situations,” she advises.

They can be culprits blocking Life’s flow to maintain balance & harmony.

Be on the look out & guard against stress!!

Contact Melissa at melissa@thehealthymelissa.com with further questions you may have.

Mind Body Harmony Medicine

Wrap Up & Takeaway

You have options.

Consider Functional Medicine as a health approach that addresses the whole person with an individualized health plan.

Get complete blood work done.

Practice responding rather than reacting to situations.

Pursue more balance and harmony in your life. It is vital for your health.

Thank you, Melissa Mullin, for sharing your passion for Functional Medicine with us!

Email her with any questions: melissa@thehealthymelissa.com.


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“Now may the God of your hope so fill you with all JOY and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound and be overflowing with hope.” …Romans 15:13

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