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No Peace…No Go!!

Have you ever been trapped into which road to take in Life…what to do next? Indecision can halt us cold. It can keep us from moving forward. Ahhhh… no worries, my friend. I’ve got a little trick that will help you…help ALL of us as we face those walls of indecision in our Life…read on…


No matter the situation…no matter the decision…no matter WHAT…in 100% of our Life’s adventures, following after peace always wins out! Peace is the umpire. Peace knows. Peace directs. Peace RULES!

All we have to do, is intentionally tune in to PEACE…


We’ve seen him at the ballpark…officiating the game…calling a strike…he’s the guy who watches over the game CLOSELY to make sure it’s played by the rules. He’s the UMPIRE!

So…liken peace to your inner umpire…your intuition…your knowing…

We just have to slow down, stop, and tune inside to hear or sense what it’s telling us.


When I taught second grade, I had a cardboard heart…one side with soft fur, the other with scratchy sand paper. I always encouraged the kids if they weren’t sure what to do…to just tune into their heart.

I used my cardboard heart to explain. “If you feel a ‘soft, peaceful feeling, (I touched the furry side of the heart)… that’s your heart giving you the “thumbs up, “ I would say.

“But, if you have a scratchy feeling, an itchy-ness about something… (I would scratch the sandpaper side) …that’s your heart saying ‘NO.’” The kids caught on to the illustration and used it with success!

So…tune in. Have a question about a situation? Listen to your heart…”soft vs scratchy”…”yes vs no.” PEACE KNOWS!


It’s a practice with this “following after peace” stuff. We have to be intentional with putting it to use. The Bible says to “…seek, inquire for, and CRAVE peace and pursue (go after) it!”…Psalm 34:14. Those are fightin’ words, my Friend! Let’s do it!


Short and simple. There you have it. Having any doubt…any question…any decision to make…just stop and ask…”Does this choice give me peace? In other words, do I have a warm, soft feeling inside (just like my cardboard heart!)” Or…if you have ANY uneasyness…any “just not sureness”…a huge SCRATCHY feeling (remember the sandpaper!)…STOP…step no further.

In all situations, PEACE RULES! Remember…NO PEACE…NO GO!!

We’ve got this!! Keep striving ahead this season. FOLLOW AFTER PEACE!!

Keep soaring! Keep aspiring!